MBA Exam

there are 2 pockets, each containing 3 coins of diff. denominations which are in AP and the total value of coins in each pocket is Rs 21. the common diff. of the first set of coins is greater than that of the second set by 1 and the product of first set is the product of the second set as 8 to 9. find the value of the coin of largest denominations among 6 coins?

1) 8
2) 9
3) 10
4) 11

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MBA Other Question

If all the six-digit numbers in which each successive digit exceeds its predecessor digit are arranged in an increasing order, then find the digit(s) which is/are not contained in the 84th number of this series.

1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) All of above
Find d remainder when 50^51^52 is divided by 11.explain also.....

1) 6
2) 4
3) 7
4) 3