MBA Exam

I want to know the basic difference b/w these two Questions: 1) there are 3 white, 4 red and 5 Black balls in a bag. In how many ways two balls can be selected?? 2)Find the no. of ways in which a selection of 4 letters can be made from the letters of the word "DISTILLATIONS". Kindly reply to this Question. Help on this would be highly appreciated.....

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MBA Other Question

An industrial solvent of 90% strength is stored in a container of capacity 150 liters. The container is filled to 80% of it's capacity.Now it's required to decrease the concentration to less than 60%. for doing this either pure water can be added or solution can be removed. But removal can only be done when there is no place for adding a given time only 10 liters of solution can be added or removed.How many times water should be added to solution?

1) 4
2) 5
3) 6
4) 7
5) 9
6) Better leave it.
solve this..............3+(3/3)-3

1) 1
2) 18
3) 12