Two friends were trying to find the HCF of 50 distinct numbers. If they were finding out HCF of two numbers at a time, what is the minimum number of times this operation should be repeated to find HCF of all the 50 numbers ? 1) 48 2) 49 3) 50 4) 51 5) None of these
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- 49 times
First time, two numbers are checked and 1 number (HCF) of two numbers is obtained.
every time , one number is checked with HCF and new HCF is obtained . - 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
MBA Other Question
Q. No. – 2 : A chemical plant has four tanks (A, B, C and D), each containing 1000 litres of a chemical. The chemical is being pumped from one tank to another as follows:From A to B @ 20 litres/minuteFrom C to A @ 90 litres/minuteFrom A to D @ 10 litres/minuteFrom C to D @ 50 litres/minuteFrom B to C @ 100 litres/minuteFrom D to B @ 110 litres/minuteWhich tank gets emptied first and how long does it take (in minutes) to get empty after pumping starts? 1) c, 20 2) d,20 3) d,25 4) a,16,6
Q) need ideas on how to approximate in situations likex((1/1.05)+(1/(1.05^2))+(1/(1.05^3)))=8000.Situation is compound interest, repaid in equal installment over 3 years, 5%c.a.X has pretty close values: 1) 2937.67 2) 2037.67 3) 3000 4) 2739.76