MBA Exam

if the graph of the function f(x)= ((a^x)-1)/((x^n)*(a^x+1)) is symmetric about y axis then n is equal to

1) -1/3
2) 1/4
3) 2/3
4) 2

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MBA Other Question

x and y travel to z along 2 straight roads with constant t=0 the x,y and z forms a right angle triangle after x travelled 30 km the triangle between points become equilateral triangle.find the distance between x and y at t=0 if at the time x arrived at z y had to cover 6.66km to reach z post solution too

1) 19
2) 18^13
3) 33
4) none
Maya and Bhanu have signed a work contract with a firm, which works 6 days a week. All Sundays are holidays. Maya takes a leave for one day (other than Sunday) after working for 5 days. Similarly, Bhanu takes a one-day leave (other than Sunday) after working for 10 days. For instance, if both of them start on Monday, Maya takes leave on the following Saturday and Bhanu takes leave on subsequent Friday.In the year 2009, both of them had simultaneously taken a break on January 1st which was a Thursday. When would they both take a leave (other than Sunday) simultaneously next?

1) March 20th, 2009
2) March 7th, 2009
3) January 11th, 2009
4) March 19th, 2009
5) None of these