MBA Exam

x^5 + x^2 = 1​find x??

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MBA Other Question

In any month harsh deposits m% and withdraws n% of the closing balance of the previous month.if his balance at the end of march (after the withdrawal) is tha same as his balance at the beginning of January (before the deposit),which of the following is true?p. provide sol.

1) n/2<m<n
2) m=n
3) m>n
4) m<n/2
There are three pieces of cake weighing 9/2 lbs, 27/4 lbs and 36/5 lbs. Pieces of the cake are equally divided and distributed in such a manner that every guest in the party gets one single piece of cake. Further the weight of the pieces of the cake is as heavy as possible. What is the largest number of guest to whom we can distribute the cake?Easy

1) 72
2) 54
3) 73
4) 47
5) None Of these