MBA Exam

If the sum of two integers is 30 then their product maybe ??(Mark one or more correct answers)

1) -5400
2) -1000
3) 200
4) 224.75
5) 250

Read Solution (Total 1)

MBA Other Question

In a 400 metres race, A gives B start of 5 seconds and beats him by 15m. In another race of 400 metres, A beats B by 50/7 seconds, find their speeds.

1) 8 m/s ; 7 m/s
2) 7 m/s ; 5 m/s
3) 5 m/s ;3 m/s
4) none of these
If the inequality is true only for x < -2 or x > , find a + b.

1) 3
2) 3.5
3) 4
4) 4.5
5) 5