MBA Exam

Find in how many ways can 9216 be written as a product of two numbers such that both the numbers are perfect squares

1) 1
2) 6
3) 5
4) 12
5) 8

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MBA Other Question

A positive integer is bold if it has 8 positive divisors that sum up to 3240. For example, 2006 is bold because its 8 positive divisors, 1, 2, 17, 34, 59, 118, 1003 and 2006, sum up to 3240. Find the smallest positive bold number.

1) 1610
2) 1614
3) 1618
4) 1620
ABC forms an equilateral triangle in which B is 2km east of C AND A is to the north of both B AND C .He starts walking from B in a direction parallel to AC and stops when he reaches a point D directly to the east of A.He,then,reverses direction and walks till he reaches a point E, directly to the south of C.Total distance walked by him is

1) 6
2) 5
3) 6root3
4) 7