MBA Exam

There is a cuboidal tank containing some methyl alcohol which evaporates at a constant rate (in litres per minute). If twelve identical pipes start pumping methyl alcohol into the tank, the tank will get filled in 96 minutes. Instead, if 14 such pipes are used, the tank will get filled in 72 minutes. How many such pipes would be required, if the tank needs to be filled in 48 minutes?Guys pls post ur approach !!!

1) 15
2) 16
3) 18
4) 20
5) 21

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MBA Other Question

Out of 141 equal weights, one is faulty. How many minimum weighings will be requiredto find the faulty weight using a two-pan balance?

1) 6
2) 7
All the natural numbers which are multiples of 7 are written one beside the other. What will be the 5000th digit? (share approach)

1) 9
2) 8
3) 2
4) 5