MBA Exam

If a, b, c, d are real numbers with a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 = 100, then what is the maximum value of 2a + 3b + 6c + 24d?

1) 240
2) 250
3) 300
4) None of these

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MBA Other Question

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.A sum of money ‘S’ is divided among four people A, B, C and D. Now, the following operations are performed in the given order:1. Twice the money with B is taken from A and divided equally between D and C.2. Half the money with D is taken from C and given to D.3. Thrice the money with B is taken from C and divided between A and D in the ratio 2 : 1.4. Two–fifth of the sum of money with D is taken from him and given to B.After these four operations it was found that each of A, B, C and D had the same sum of money.If A received Rs.54 initially, then which of the following is true?

1) 243 < S < 253
2) 211 < S < 221
3) 251 < S < 261
4) 223 < S < 233
Alord got an order from a garment manufacturer for 480 Denim Shirts. He brought 12 sewing machines andappointed some expert tailors to do the job. However, many didn’t report to duty. As a result, each of those who did,had to stitch 32 more shirts than originally planned by Alord, with equal distribution of work. How many tailors hadbeen appointed earlier and how many had not reported for work?(a) 12,4(b) 10,3(c) 10,4(d) None of these

1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D