MBA Exam

Akash, Bhanu and Sam work on a project. After they complete 1/4th of the project, Sam takes a break. For 7 days only Akash and Bhanu work on the project. After that Sam relieves both of them. He completes the project in 5 days. Bhanu works 50% faster than Akash while Sam alone can finish the entire project in 20 days, How long would Bhanu take to finish the entire project?I am getting 21 Days. TIME SHP Ques. Tag me while the posts..

1) 25 Days
2) 23 1/3 days
3) 21 Days
4) 22 1/2days

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MBA Other Question

[X] denotes the greates integer value just below x and {x} its fractional value. The sum of [x]^3 and {x}^2 is -7.91.Find x.....Kindly post solution as well

1) -2.03
2) -1.97
3) -2.97
4) -1.7
5) none
rem: (16!+91)/323?plz post ur approach too

1) 0
2) 5
3) 91
4) 286