A website Maths Puzzle Logical Reasoning

An intelligent trader travels from one place to another carrying 3 sacks having 30 coconuts each. No sack can hold more than 30 coconuts. On the way he passes through 30 checkpoints and on each check point he has to give one coconut for each sack carrying.
How many coconuts are left in the end?

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A website Other Question

A ship can cover a certain distance in 10 hours at a speed of 16 nautical miles per hour. By
how much should its speed be increased so that it takes only 8 hours to cover the same
distance? (A nautical mile in a unit of measurement used at sea distance or sea water i.e.
1852 metres).
P, Q & R are assigned a work. Working together, they can complete a job in 10 days. However, R worked for only first 3 days and 37/100th of the total work was completed in these 3 days. Remaining work is completed by P & Q in 7 days. The work done by P in 5 days is equal to work done by Q in 4 days. Then the time taken by fastest worker is how much percent less than the second fastest worker?