Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

a train leaves station a at 5 a.m and reaches station b at 9am on the same day.another train leaves station b at 7 a.m and reaches station a at 10:30am on the same day.the time at which the two trains cross each other is?

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Elitmus Other Question

if a distance of 50m is covered in 1 min,that 90 m in 2 min,and 130 m in 3 min.find the distance covered in 15 mins. a,b,c walk 1km in 5 min,8min and 10min respectively.c starts walking from a point,at a certain time,b starts from the same point 1 min later and a starts from the same point 2 min later than c.then a meets b and c after.?