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Of all the fitness and wellness activities customary in India, Artistic yoga is the new kid in town. It has
successfully earned a pat on the back from whosoever has lent an ear to the latest advancements.
Artistic yoga combines the suaveness of yoga and the frenzy of modern cardio-vascular exercises. The
technique involves performance of various aasanas and pranayams followed by walking on treadmill,
stair climbing, cycling and so on. The activities are performed in a cyclic order and the aasana or
pranayam that is done in the beginning is repeated in the end. This helps an individual at the physical
level as well as the mental and spiritual level, thus helping bring about a complete transformation of
body, mind and soul

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How many Integers from 0 to 100 are not divisible by 2, 3, 5 & 7 ? If the number of pages in a 32-bit machine is 16 KB, then what is the size of the page table?
1) 8 KB
4) 10 KB