Infosys Company Numerical Ability Percentage

During the testing of drug the result were found to be 85% positive in the first phase of 100 tests and 55% positive of second phase.If the overall results were 75% positive.what was the total number of tests conducted in first phase and second phase?

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Infosys Other Question

If an equilateral triangle is partitioned into n convex polygons, determine the maximum number of edges present in the resulting figure. The diagram below shows a partitioning into 3 polygons with 8 edges (which is not necessarily the maximum) and 6 vertices.
You may find a result of Euler applicable to this problem. The result states that if a polygon is partitioned into n polygons, then v-e+n=1 where v is the number of vertices and e is the number of edges in the resulting figure.
The Lion jumps _____________ the river
a) upon