Campus Maths Puzzle Logical Reasoning Coding Decoding

how to write OCTOBER if JANUARY is written as 1241928123142

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Campus Other Question

For as long as she could remember, Divya has loved to cook, to dance, and, until her poor vision
made it impossible for her to do so, reading books. Find the best alternative for Bolded part of
the sentence
a. To cook, to dance, and, until her poor vision made it impossible for her to do so
b. Cooking, to dance, and, until her poor vision made it impossible for her to do so
c. Cooking , dancing, and , until her poor vision made it impossible for her to do so
d. Cooking , to dance, and, until she lost her vision
e. Cooking , dancing, and, until she lost her vision
if there are 100 kgs in each box of 10 rows and columns. if a thief steals 10kg from any of the box and the shopkeeper comes in the morning and checks the weight. how can he find the box or row or coloum which is having less weight in one step