Accenture Company Numerical Ability Permutation and Combination

How many different four letter words can be formed ( the words need not to be meaningful ) using the letters of the word PACIFIC such that the first letter is p and the last letter is F?
1. 8 2. 3 3. 6 4. 7!/5!

Read Solution (Total 3)

Accenture Other Question

Based on the given passage find out which of the statement can be inferred from the passage.

Skeptics argue that flying saucers and IJFOs that are believed to be guided by extraterrestrial beings or aliens are creations of human imagination. They have demonstrated that a number of photographs that apparently snow flying saucers are either phony or are misinterpreted images of earthly or natural
objects such as aeroplanes or meteors. However, there are scientists who have also contributed plenty of evidence and asserted that aliens do exist

a)Lack of credibility of photographic evidence should be taken as proof of non existence of aliens

b)While the existence of flying saucers and IJFOs has been denied, the possibility of alien beings is still a reality

c)UFOs and flying saucers, it a reality, are of the same shape and size as aeroplanes

d)The tact that a number of photographs of flying saucers are take cannot disprove the existence of aliens and UFOs
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