TCS Interview Logical Reasoning General Mental Ability

if two three and four cuts are made parallel to different faces of a cube,then what is the number of identical pieces obtained?

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TCS Other Question

Three partners X,Y, Z start the business. Y's capital has been four times Z's capital also twice X's capital has been equal to three time Y's capital. In case total profit has been Rs. 16500 at end of the year. Find out Y's share in it. Mr.Govind was a building contractor. He was doing reasonably well in his
business but was always on an expansion mode.Mr.Govind won a contract
with the Corporation and his business began to boom. So he decided to
deploy more people in his projects. If he were to increase his labour force
by 33.33%, what will be percentage reduction in the work load of each

a)75 b)50 c)25 d)33.33