Elitmus Exam Logical Reasoning General Mental Ability

There are certain conditions given in the passage. A decision has to be taken on the basis of the given conditions. There is a case based on the set of conditions. Please take a decision for the case and mark the correct answer.

William Trevino, who works in a public corporation owned by a state department, is an American national.

He is 23 years of age. He holds a bachelor's degree and has an annual income of $35,000. He has been staying in Georgia for 7 years. Neither he nor any of his relatives works as a distributor or a dealer for any oil company.The question given below is followed by two statements I and II. Decide if the statements contain sufficient information to answer the question.


Conditions for appointing a distributor, for petroleum gas throughout Georgia, are as follows. The applicant should:

1. be an American by nationality.

2. be in the age group of 21-50 years as on September 05,2008.

3. be at least a high school graduate or any other recognized equivalent.

4. be a resident of Georgia. He/she should have stayed in Georgia for not less than 5 years, immediately preceding the date of application.

5. have a family income of not more than $30,000 annually.

6. not have dealership of any oil company.

7. not have any close relative as a dealer/distributor of any oil company.


A. restrictions related to annual income would not be applicable to applicants working in corporations, owned or controlled by state departments. Such a case should be referred to

the Managing Director.

B. for unemployed applicants who hold at least a bachelor's degree, conditions (6) and (7) may be waived.

C. if the applicant is from a rural district but is not a resident of Georgia, the case may be referred to the


Should the given applicant be selected? (The case is presented as on 1.2.2009. All dates are in dd.mm.yyyy format.)

1) Applicant should be selected

2) Applicant should not be selected

3) Insufficient data

4) The case should be referred to the Managing Director

5) The case should be referred to the Chairman

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