MBA Exam

P takes a days to complete a piece of work. Q takes d days more than P to complete the work. R takes d days more than Q to complete the work. S takes d days less than P to complete the work. T takes d days less than S to complete the work. Which of the following does not hold true? (d > 0)

1) R and S working together take more time to complete the work than Q and T do.
2) Q and S working together take more time to complete the work than R and T do.
3) Q and S working together take less time to complete the work than R and T do
4) R and T working together take less time then P and S do

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MBA Other Question

To qualify for a race, you need to average 60 mph driving two laps around a 1 mile long track. You have some sort of engine difficulty the first lap so that you only average 30 mph during that lap. how fast do you have to drive the second lap to average 60 for both of them?

1) 90
2) 75
3) 120
4) None
The number of terms in the expansion (a+b+c+d)^20

1) 1671
2) 1717
3) 1771
4) 7171