MBA Exam

There is a cuboidal reservoir with base dimensions of 77m*48m..water is pumped into the reservoir using a pipe of diameter 56cm with water flowing through the pipe at 27km/hr .If the water level in the reservoir rises by 3m after t minutes, what is the value of t ?

1) 60
2) 100
3) 90
4) 105

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MBA Other Question

Two small squares (of size 1 × 1) on a chess board are chosen at random. What is the probability that the squares thus selected do not share a common side?

1) 31/32
2) 17,18
3) 1/18
4) 1/2
A batsman makes score of 270 runs in 87th inning and this increases average by a certain number of runs that is a whole number. Find possible values of new number.

1) 98
2) 184
3) Both
4) None