TCS Company Numerical Ability Geometry

There are 10 points on a straight line AB and 8 on another straight line AC
none of them being point A. how many triangles can be formed with these points
as vertices?

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TCS Other Question

A and B provide Rs. 52,500 and Rs.17,500 for business capital. B receives 20% of the profits as manager, interest is then paid at 4% on the individual capital, and the rest of profits are divided equally between them. If A receives Rs. 3,934, what does B receive? In the IT department of backrub, the administrator password is changed every month. The team of administrators, spread across the globe, receive an 8 digit number via email. This number is to be prefixed with a single digit number and suffixed with a single digit number to get the actual password. The password is divisible by 11 and 8. If the team received 65351364 this month, then which of the following pairs give prefix and suffix respectively.
a. 8, 9
b. 7, 8
c. 3, 4