cocubes Exam Category

If P means addition, Q means subtraction, R means multiplication and S means division, then what would be the value of the expression:

(4 R 3 Q 24 S 6 P 10 S 5)
A 10
B 12
C 35
D 24

Read Solution (Total 3)

cocubes Other Question

If laptops are called life, sun are called bananas, trees are called home, evil are called sun, home are called laptops, life are called evil and bananas are called trees, which of the following gives us light?
A Bananas
B Sun
C Evil
D Trees
Find the missing term(s) in the following series.

45, 33, 23, ?, 9, 5, 3
A 15
B 14
C 16
D 13