GRE Exam Numerical Ability Permutation and Combination

In State X, all vehicle license plates have 2 letters from the 26 letters of the alphabet followed by 3 one-digit numbers. How many different license plates can State X have if
repetition of letters and numbers is allowed?
A 630,400 B 670,840 C 650,000 D 608,400 E 676,000

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GRE Other Question

Last year Kate spent between 1/4 and 1/3 of her gross income on her mortgage payments. If Kate spent $13,470 on her mortgage payments last year, which of the following could have been her gross income last year? Indicate all possible values.
A $40,200 B $43,350 C $47,256 D 51,996 E $53,808
Twenty children were sharing equally the cost of a present for their teacher. When 4 of the children decided not to contribute, each of the other children had to pay $1.50 more. How much did the present cost ( in $) ?