GRE Exam Numerical Ability Geometry

Points A, B, C, and D, in that order, lie on a line. If AD = 9 cm, AC = 4 cm, and BD = 6 cm, what is AB (in cm) ? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 1

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GRE Other Question

The average of ten numbers is 11. The average of six of these numbers is 13. The average of the remaining numbers is x, then
A) 6x=50 B) 3x<20 C) 40>4x D) The relationship cannot be determined.
A rug manufacturer produces rugs at a cost of $80 per rug. What is the gross profit of manufacturer from the sale of 120 rugs if 2/3 of the rugs are sold for $90 per rug and the rest are sold for $100 per rug? (A) 22½ (B) 18¼ (C) 20⅓ (D) 16⅔