Exam Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability Area and Volume

find the ratio between whole surfaces of a sphere and a hemisphere ?

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https://www.google.co.in/search?rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS722US722&q=the+cost+price+of+oranges+namely+A,B,C+is+50,50,60.+find+the+selling+price+of+the+one+kg+of+oranges+in+which+these+varieties+of+oranges+are+mixed+in+th+ratio+1:4:5+to+get+a+profit+of+30%25&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjT7NKpmsXeAhXMOI8KHdgvD4QQBQgoKAA In this question x^y stands for x raised to the power y. For example 2^3=8 and 4^1.5=8. Find the number of positive integers n>2000 which can be expressed as n=2^m+2^n where m and n are integers (for example, 33=2^0+2^5)