Maths Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability Probability

c) In a box there are the very many flowers. 40% of the flowers are yellow while 60% are red. The yellow flowers have a spire percentage of 0.85 and the red have a spire percentage of 0.95.

Tommy pulls a random flower from the box

1) What is the likelihood that the flower sprouts like a yellow color?

2) What is the likelihood that the flower sprouts?

3) What is the likelihood that the flower sprouts as a yellow flower if we know it will grow?

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Maths Other Question

we have 63 bread and there are 27 people in the family. women eat 3 bread man eat 4 bread and child eat half bread. now how many women, men, and child are there in the family. every second person died on the road in the accidents is pedstrain . every fifth person who died on the road in the accidents is cyclist. find the other percentage of the death on the road in the accidents