GRE Exam Logical Reasoning Direction Sense

Helen left her tent and traveled due east for 5 miles, then traveled due south for 24 miles, then due east 5 miles, arriving at a hut. What is the straight-line distance from her tent to the hut ? (A)16 (B)21 (C)12 (D) 29 (E)26

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GRE Other Question

Integers x and y are consecutive multiples of 8. Integers a and b are consecutive multiples of 6. In terms of x, y, a and b, what is the ratio of the average of x & y and the average of a & b ? (A) (x+y)/(a+b) (B) (a+b)/(x+y) (C) a+b/4/y-x/4 (D) (4/3)(a+b)/(x+y) If a ≥ 25 and b ≤ 12, then which of the following must also be true ? (A) a-b ≥ 13 (B) a-b ≥ 37 (C) a-b ≤ 13 (D) a-b ≤ 35