MBA Exam

Anu and Prem started running simultaneously from diametrically opposite points on a circular track.They ran in opposite directions and met after 12 minutes for the first time. If the distance between them exactly ‘t’ minutes after they start is equal to a quarter of the length of the track, which of the following is not a possible value of ‘t’?

1) 42
2) 78
3) 90
4) 144

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MBA Other Question

A says to B if i am 2 times as old as you were when i was as old as you are.If sum of their present ages is 56,Find their present ages respectively..??...

1) 32,24
2) 30,26
3) 33,23
4) 40,16
find the base of the number system if 14,31,62 forms GP in that system

1) 7
2) 8
3) 9
4) 10
5) none of these