IBPS Government Jobs Exams Numerical Ability Alligation or Mixture

From A kg of pure tea a shopkeeper removes A% of the mixture (Either pure tea or adulterated tea) and replaces it with same quantity of adulteration. If he repeated this process once more and now the amount of pure tea remaining in the mixture is (90% of 40% of A) kg, then find the value of A.
A) 60% B) 50% C) 40% D) 30%

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IBPS Other Question

Instead of normal weighing scale a shopkeeper used forged scale. He used 1.4 kg scale while buying and 840 g scale while selling, what will his overall profit percentage, if in the end he offers 10% discount?
A) 50% B) 48% C) 40% D) 38%
In a school number of students in 6th and 7th class is in the ratio 6 : 11. If 60% of total students in class 6 are boys and 52% of total students in class 7 are boys, then find total girls in both the class together is approximately what percentage of total students in both the classes?
A) 39.4 B) 45.2 C) 49.9 D) 35.6