Tech Mahindra
Numerical Ability
Time Distance and Speed
Two, trains, one from Bhopal to Kochi and the other from Kochi to Bhopal, start simultaneously. After they meet, the trains reach their destinations after 16 hours and 9 hours respectively. The ratio of their speeds is: 1) 2 : 3 2) 3 : 4 3) 6 : 7 4) 9 : 16
Read Solution (Total 4)
- Sa/Sb = sqrt(Tb/Ta)
Sa/Sb = 3 : 4 - 4 years agoHelpfull: Yes(3) No(1)
- D1/T=D2/T
9:16 - 5 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(1)
- distance =speed*time;
speed and distances are inverse to each other so
the answer is 9:16 - 5 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(2)
- s1 : s1
distance/time distance/time
x/16 : x/9
9x : 16x
9 : 16 - 4 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(1)
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