TCS Company Category

A road network covers some c can be reached only from the city a or city b.the distance from a to c is 65 km and that from B to C is 30 km. The shortest distance from a to b is 58 km. The shortest distance from city P to A is 420 km and the shortest distance from city P to B is 345 km. The shortest distance from city P to city C in km is

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TCS Other Question

The air-conditioned bus service from Siruseri industry park runs at regular intervals throughout the day. It is now 3:12 pm and it has arrived 1 minute ago but it was 2 minutes late. The next bus is due at 3:18 pm. When is the next bus due? Considering a hash table with 100 slots. Collisions are resolved using chaining. Assuming simple uniform hashing, what is the probability that the first 3 slots are unfilled after the first

3 insertions? (NOTE:100 ^ 3 means 100 raised to the power 3)