TCS Company Logical Reasoning Blood Relations

on door A-it leads to freedom
on door B-it leads to ghost house
on door C-door B leads to ghost house
the statement written on one of doors is wrong
identify which door leads to freedom

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TCS Other Question

A SINGLE DISCOUNT EQUIVALENT TO A DISCOUNT SERIES OF 30 %, 25 %, AND 5 % IS ? Parul takes as input two numbers: a and b. a and b can take integer values
between 0 and 255. She stores a, b and c as 1-byte data type. She writes the
following code statement to process a and b and put the result in c.
c = a + 2*b
To her surprise her program gives the right output with some input values of a and b,
while gives an erroneous answer for others. For which of the following inputs will it
give a wrong answer?