tcs Maths Puzzle Category

The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is equal to a regular hexagon. Find out the ratio of their areas?

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tcs Other Question

Parul takes as input two numbers: a and b. a and b can take integer values
between 0 and 255. She stores a, b and c as 1-byte data type. She writes the
following code statement to process a and b and put the result in c.
c = a + 2*b
To her surprise her program gives the right output with some input values of a and b,
while gives an erroneous answer for others. For which of the following inputs will it
give a wrong answer?
a lady had some socks and hats in her closet -17blue, 47 red, and 24 yellow. the light is out and it is totally dark in split of the darkness she can make out the difference between a hat and sock she takes out an items out of the closet only if she is sure that it is a sock how many socks must she take out to make sure she has two socks of each color?