IBPS Government Jobs Exams Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

Ram marks the price of a chair 60% above his cost price and gives a discount of X%, in this process he gain ___%. If he gives discount of 2X%, then the profit percentage will be _____%. Which of the following values can we fill in the same order? A) 30, 20 B) 20, 40 C) 60, 30 D) 40, 20
a) A and D only
b) A, B and C only
c) B only
d) D only
e) A, B, C and D

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IBPS Other Question

When the digits of a two digit natural number are interchanged then original number is greater than three times the new number so obtained. How many such natural numbers are there which satisfy the above given condition? Ignore the numbers which have ‘0’ in its unit place.
(A) 9 (B) 5 (C) 8 (D) 7 (E) 6
A set of five two-digit integers is given. Average of first and last number is middle number. Second number is half of first number. Sum of first three numbers is 127. Middle number is (A) and average of five numbers is (B). Fourth number is 62. What can be the values of (A) and (B) respectively?
A) 64, 50 B) 62, 55 C) 62, 50 D) 64, 55 E) 60, 55