IBPS Government Jobs Exams Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

The marked price of an article is Rs. 5000 but due to festive offer a certain percentage of discount is declared. Mr. X availed this opportunity and bought the article at reduced price. He then sold it at Rs. 5000 and thereby made a profit of 11⅟₉%. The percentage of discount allowed was?
A) 10% B) 20% C) 25% D) 12% E) 15%

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IBPS Other Question

In the following question two equations are given. Solve the equations and give answer
I. 3x² + 16x + 21 = 0
II. 6y² + 17y + 12 = 0

A) if x < y B) if x ≤ y C) if x > y D) if x ≥ y E) relationship between x and y cannot be determined
4 girls can do a piece of work in 8 days. 3 boys can do the same piece of work in 9 days. 7 men do the same piece of work in 2 days and 5 women can do the same piece of work in 4 days. Who is least efficient ?
A) Boys B) Girls C) Women D) Men E) None of thses