Accenture Company Numerical Ability Percentage

Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 6% of A and 9% of B is three-fourth of the sum of 9% of A and 8% of B. Find the ratio of A : B.
A) 3 : 2 B) 2 : 1 C) 5 : 2 D) 3 : 4 E) 4 : 1

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Accenture Other Question

At an examination in which full marks were 300. A got 10% less than B, B got 25% more than C and C got 20% less than D. If A got 360 marks, what percentage of full marks was obtained by D?
A) 90 B) 80 C) 60 D) 75 E) 95
In a certain school, 25% of students are below 10 years of age. The number of students above 10 years of age is 4/5 of the number of students of 10 years of age which is 80. What is the total number of students in the school?
A) 192 B) 175 C) 164 D) 182 E) 204