IBPS Government Jobs Exams Numerical Ability Pipes and Cistern

Ratio of time taken by three pipes A, B and C to fill or empty the tank is 10:15:18. But A and B are inlet pipe and C is a outlet pipe. All pipe together can fill the tank in 18 hours. Find out the time taken by pipe A and B together to fill the tank?
A)15 hours B)18 hours C)12 hours D)14 hours E)16 hours

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IBPS Other Question

Two pipe A and B can fill the tank in 30 min and 36 min respectively. Both pipes start together but due to some reason they work with of their 2/3 rd and 3/5 th efficiency respectively. After sometimes the problem is solved and remaining tank is filled in 10 min. Find out the total time taken by pipes to fill the tank?
A)8 min B)12 min C)10 min D)9 min E)20 min
In the following questions, calculate quantity I and quantity II, compare them and answer
Quantity I – The quantity of wine in the mixture (in lit) initially, a mixture contains alcohol and water in the ratio 5 : 1. On adding 5 litre of water, the ratio of alcohol to water becomes 5 : 2.
Quantity II – Final quantity of milk in container (in litre), a container contained 40 litres milk. Out of this 5 litres of milk was taken out and replaced with water. This process was repeated two more times further.
A)If quantity I > quantity II B)If quantity I < quantity II C)If quantity I ≥ quantity II D)if quantity I ≤ quantity II E)if quantity I = quantity II or no relation can be established