Accenture Company Numerical Ability Alligation or Mixture

What will be the ratio of water and alcohol in the final solution formed by mixing water and alcohol that are present in three identical vessels in the ratio 4:1,5:2 and 6 :1 respectively?
A)166 : 22 B)83 : 22 C)83 : 44 D)78 : 55 E)None of these

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Accenture Other Question

If tan θ + cot θ = 2, then the value of tan²θ + cot²θ is
A)2 B)1 C)√2 D)0
The respective ratio of radii of two right circular cylinders (A & B) is 2 : 5. The respective ratio of the heights of cylinders A and B is 3:1. What is the respective ratio of volumes of cylinders A and B?
A)12:25 B)9:25 C)9:20 D)3:5 E)12:35