IBPS Government Jobs Exams Numerical Ability Percentage

In a mixture of milk and water, the proportion of water by weight was 75%. If in 60 gm of mixture 15 gm water was added, what would be the percentage of water? (weight in gm)
A) 75% B) 80% C)90% D)None of these E)Cannot be determined

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IBPS Other Question

In a competitive examination in Zone A, 8%
candidates got selected from the total appeared. Zone B had 20% more number of candidates appeared than Zone A and 6% candidates got selected which are 16 more than selected from Zone A. What was the total number of candidates appeared from both the Zones?
A)5200 B)4400 C)3600 D)4800 E)None of these
The marked price of a radio set is Rs. 480. The shopkeeper allows a discount of 10% and gain 8%. If no discount is allowed, his gain percent would be:
A)25% B)18% C)18.5% D)20% E)30%