L&T Company Numerical Ability Area and Volume

The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangle is 7 : 3. If the area of the rectangle is 192 sq. cm, what is the length of the rectangle?
A)15 cm B)18 cm C)12 cm D)16 cm E)Data inadequate

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L&T Other Question

The length of the bridge, which a train 160 metres long and travelling at 63 km/hr can cross in 24 seconds, is:
A)280 m B)190 m C)200 m D)260 m
Two statements I and II are given. Check from the options to answer the following question.
What is the Cost Price of the article ?
I. After selling the article, a loss of 25% on Cost Price incurred.
II. The Selling Price is three-fourths of the Cost Price.
A)Using 1st Statement only B)Using 2nd statement only C)Using both 1st and 2nd statements D)Using 1st OR 2nd tatement