MBA Exam

The ratio of the incomes of Ajay and Vijay are in the ratio 1 : 2 and the ratio of their expenses in 1 : 5. Who is saving more?

1) Ajay
2) Vijay
3) Same Savings
4) Cannot be determined

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MBA Other Question

Ramu and Somu start running simultaneously from two ends of a track in opposite directions and with speeds in the ratio of 2 : 3 respectively. Every time they meet, they interchange their speeds and also reverse their directions. At how many distinct points on the track do they meet each other, if they run continuously between the two ends of the tracks?

1) 3
2) 4
3) 5
4) 6
In an exhibition, some paintings were kept for sale. On the first day, 1 painting plus 1/7 th of the
remaining paintings were sold. On the second day, 2 paintings plus 1/7 th of the remaining paintings
were sold. A similar pattern continued till the kth day, when 'k' paintings were sold and no painting
was left after that. If the exhibition ran for exactly k days (k > 1), then what is the minimum number
of paintings sold during the exhibition?

Please explain the solution as well !!!

1) 36
2) 42
3) 99
4) 100
5) 81