IBPS Government Jobs Exams Numerical Ability Percentage

In an election, 5% of the total votes are invalid votes. Among 3 candidates, A got 38%
of total valid votes, B got 20% of total votes and C got remaining votes. If C won election by 2850 votes then find out total votes?
A)60000 B)85000 C)50000 D)75000 E)None of these

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IBPS Other Question

A milkman has 80 liter mixture of milk and water which has 20% of water. The milkman sold some mixture and add 8 liter of water to the remaining mixture. Now the ratio of the milk and water is 12:5. Find the sold mixture. A)5 Liter B)20 Liter C)16 Liter D)4 Liter E)None of these There were 30 boarders in a hostel.10 New men joined. The total expenses increased by Rs 60 but the average per head decreased by Re 1. What was the initial monthly expenditure of hostel ?
A)Rs 3600 B)Rs 3000 C)Rs 300 D)None of these