Capgemini Company Numerical Ability Alligation or Mixture

If 80 ml of water contains 15% of chlorine, how much water must be added in order to create a 12% chlorine solution?
(a)10ml (b)35ml (c)20ml (d)30ml

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Capgemini Other Question

In a bag, there are a certain number of toy-blocks with alphabets A, B, C and D written on them. The ratio of blocks A:B:C:D is in the ratio 7:9:5:2. If the number of B blocks is 35 more than the number of D blocks. What is the number of C blocks?
(a)45 (b)25 (c)10 (d)35
If a : b = 9 : 5 and c : d = 10a : 3b, then ac : bd is :
(a)27:5 (b)18:7 (c)54:5 (d)15:4