Accenture Company Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

If the selling price of an article is (5/4) of its cost price, then find the profit/loss percent.
A)33.33% gain B)12.5% loss C)25% gain D)6.25% loss

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Accenture Other Question

To earn an extra profit, a shopkeeper mixes 50 kg of wheat purchased at Rs. 27/kg and 40 kg of wheat purchased at Rs. 30/kg. What will be the profit that he will make if he sells the mixture at Rs. 33/kg?
A)14.72 B)16.48 C)18.24 D)12.68
A Shopkeeper allows a discount of 20% on the marked price but charges 5% sales tax on the marked price and 5% service tax on the discounted price. If the customer pays Rs. 2670 as price including tax, then what is marked price of the item?
A)2700 B)3245 C)3000 D)2670