IBPS Government Jobs Exams Numerical Ability Geometry

Cost of gardening the circular field C at Rs.10 per meter square is Rs. 3465. Side of the square field S is equals to the diameter of the circular field C. find the perimeter of square field.
A)108 m B)84 m C)78 m D)112 m E)None of these

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IBPS Other Question

40 men can complete a work in 48 days. If 64 men started working and after X days, 32 more men joined the work. If the remaining work is completed in 16⅔ days, then find the value of X.
A)2 B)5 C)8 D)4 E)6
The cost price of the two chairs is same. Difference between their selling prices is Rs. 90. On selling one chair, a person got a profit of 12% and on selling another he got a profit of 18%. Find the cost price of each chair.
A)Rs. 1200 B)Rs. 1500 C)Rs. 1800 D)Rs. 2400 E)Rs. 1000