IBPS Government Jobs Exams Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

Abhay bought a car at 10% discount on a marked price. After 8 months, he sold that car to his friend Nirbhay at 20% loss. If Nirbhay paid Rs. 4,50,000 for buying this car, then what was the marked price?
A)Rs. 6,75,000 B)Rs. 6,50,000 C)Rs. 6,25,000 D)Rs. 7,25,000 E)None of these

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IBPS Other Question

A and B can do a piece of work in 18 days and 24 days respectively. B started the work and worked for 4 days and left. C who is 33.33% more efficient than B, joined the work. A and C worked on alternate days starting with A. In how many days will the total work be completed?
A)15 B)19 C)16 D)14⅔ E)None of these
In a mixture ratio of milk and water is 7:6. If 12 litres of water is added into the mixture, the ratio of milk and water becomes 13:12. How much quantity of milk is available initially in the mixture?
A)164 litres B)194 litres C)172 litres D)182 litres E)None of these