Numerical Ability
Time Distance and Speed
Harsha travelled from Bangalore to Chennai using three modes of transport, cycle, bike and car. The total distance travelled was 270kms. He covered the rst one-third by cycle, half of the remaining by bike and the rest by car. It is known that the average speed of the car was equal to thrice the average speed of the cycle, which was 15 km/hr more than the average speed of the bike. Also, the journey time by bike is one hour more than the journey time by car. How much more distance (in kms) was covered in the 2nd half of
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- From 270km one-third covered by cycle is 90km
Now the remaining distance is 180km in this half 90km covered by bike and rest 90km covered by car
.........if they ask to calculate the speed how can we do that? Is it possible - 4 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(3)
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