Capgemini Company Numerical Ability Permutation and Combination

How many four letter words with or without meaning, can be formed out of the letters of the word, LOGARITHMS, if repetition of letters is not allowed?
A)5040 B)4080 C)540 D)2520

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Capgemini Other Question

A man buys spirit at Rs. 60 per liter and adds water to it. Then he sells it at Rs. 75 per liter. What is the ratio of spirit to water if his profit in the deal is 37.5%?
A)11:1 B)10:1 C)9:1 D)None of these
If a man walk with 30 miles/hr, he reach 1 hour before and if he walk with 20 miles/hr, he reach 1 hour late. Find the usual speed with which it walks.
A)24 miles/hr B)22 miles/hr C)25 miles/hr D)27 miles/hr