TCS Company Verbal Ability Spotting Errors

Identify the INCORRECT sentence or sentences.
A) Civilization is not by any means an easy thing to attain.
B) There are two ways only by which man can reach it.
C) One is by being cultured, the other being corrupt.
D) Some people have no opportunity of being either, so they stagnate.
1)Only C and D 2)Only A and C 3)Only B and C 4)Only A and B

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TCS Other Question

Choose the appropriate prepositions from the listed prepositions to fill the blanks of the given sentences. Then mark the correct combination from the options given below.
A) I am ______ jobs at the moment.
B) ______ his age, he did a great job.
C) The football game was cancelled because ______ heavy snowfall.
of, with, at, in, on, although, considering, between, as
1)between, considering, of 2)between, at, considering 3)in, considering, of 4)in, with, of
Rearrange the following parts (A, B, C and D) in proper sequence to obtain a correct sentence.
A. confirmed that the accused really
B. too many cases still lie
C. pending because it was not
D. is the convict
1)B, C, D, A 2)A, B, C, D 3)B, C, A, D 4)A, B, D, C