TCS Company Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

For A and B ratio of cost price is 4:5 and ratio of selling price is 4:7. The ratio of total cost price and total selling price is 45:44 and the net loss is Rs. 20. What is the difference between their selling prices?
1)Rs. 360 2)Rs. 240 3)Rs. 300 4)Rs. 250

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TCS Other Question

A person buys a washing machine on the condition that he shall pay a sum of INR 5880 as cash down payment and the same sum at the end of the first year and the two years. what is the total interest(in INR) paid by him under this scheme, if the rate of interest is 5% compounded yearly? (Nearest to a INR)? A can beat B by 160 m in a 1000 m race. When A and B runs towards each other from the opposite end of track XY, the difference between the distance travelled by them when they meet is 48 m. What is the length of the track ?
1)564 m 2)664 m 3)658 m 4)552 m